Thursday, October 28, 2010


After reading the book, ! WONTUOTEG, I can surely say that I share some of the same experiences that Jennifer went through. Unfortunately, I did not have someone to help point out the clues. Now, having hind sight, the clues are very clear. Let's start out by looking at the clues offered at the beginning. 
3 Step Assessment
(1)    I was not pleased with the direction that my career was headed and there was no job joy. At this particular company, I was heading into a long career that had no bright future. Looking back at my experience at the company, several of the different personalities jump out at me.
(2)     I was working for a group of high ranking managers that fell into the "ole codgers" category. Their ways were set and they had all of the control. I was facing the fact that I was headed for 15 to 20 years of working in a position that offered no advancement; and, with the real likelihood of having to work many late nights. I was just as productive as those that had the good positions and was even more flexible in working several different positions; but, I was stuck. But………….. this was the way it was done for years.
I was stuck working with the "look at me" and "fair-haired boy" types. One was in a position that was given to him because he was a relative and the other was doing all that he could to be noticed so that he could attain status and move up the ladder quickly. 
Most of the supervisors fell into the "stooges" types because they would laugh with you and then go tell management that you were not working.
(3)    After about 5 years, my eye opening moment came.  I, along with some others, was told that we were being moved to a position that none of us wanted. Our choice was to move or quit. Reality made me sit down and ponder if this is what I wanted. An opportunity came for me to leave and go to another company. It was now or never. I chose to have a life, I saw the clues, and I got out [!wontuoteg].
Business in the food industry had its security, but happiness and a feeling of belonging is more important. After several more tries on jobs, I can now say that I have “job joy”,  and I look forward to the challenges ahead.
The good news, after reading !WONTUOTEG, I will now be looking for the clues !


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